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What you see and perceive will be more clear, once your focus is right......focus your mind and see the clearer picture of life14
Focus on your colourful dreams and Click your life to capture it...4
Life is zero without a selfie....3
Life is like camera, focus on whats important and you will capture it perfectly.3
What you see is what you get2
What you see and perceive will be more clear, once your focus is right......focus your mind and see the clearer picture of life1441%
Focus on your colourful dreams and Click your life to capture it...412%
Life is zero without a selfie....39%
Life is like camera, focus on whats important and you will capture it perfectly.39%
What you see is what you get26%
Focus... or else, you will find your life BLUR... Focus.....on the positive, to live your life to the fullest......26%
Today the world comes to us in one click, lets capture in our memory , the right and wise moments;26%
One touch may bring the whole world closer but many a touch may take you off the world26%
Capture the colourful & happy moments of your life and make it memorable.26%
221188 years ago17.05.2017
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