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Vote breakdown
I'll join the party114
I'll support but won't join the party42
I will support them... 34
I think identification of correct person is more tough before start a party we need to put many meeting and form a proper group i support and join the party 11
I'll join the party....want Lawrence anna samuthurakani anna hip hop aari to be leaders I'll be soulful people's representative10
I'll join the party11448%
I'll support but won't join the party4218%
I will support them... 3414%
I think identification of correct person is more tough before start a party we need to put many meeting and form a proper group i support and join the party 115%
I'll join the party....want Lawrence anna samuthurakani anna hip hop aari to be leaders I'll be soulful people's representative104%
They need experience. They should be of well educated and knowledged about the current affairs and should plan something that won't disturb anyone. They should get a leader, who has more experience. 73%
I will join the party if it lead by sagayam sir 63%
I'll join party... want Sahayam IAS to be the leader 63%
I will support the party if no actors is participating..already we made an big mistake by combining cinema industry with politicians...a day will come...we youngsters will tc of it52%
No comment21%
Youngsters should not start a party21%
I am not an youth, 40 by age, but will give my full support for youngster10%
4582408 years ago30.04.2017
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